Terms and Conditions


Absolutely no use for any A.I purpose. Human voices only.

Audition Submissions Acceptable Use

Recordings submitted to CLIENT as an audition or proof may be used solely for the appraisal and review by those directly involved in the talent selection or proof listening process. Publishing or distribution of the submitted audition or proof for peer review, promotional or entertainment purposes should be subject to the explicit knowledge and agreement of the TALENT, be considered as use of the TALENT’s services, and be subject to payment at an appropriate rate.

Marketing and Promotional

CLIENT agrees to provide TALENT with the final version of the completed project for use in marketing and promotional material in support of TALENT’s services if appropriate and agreed upon.

Payment terms

Once everything has been agreed upon and my services are officially hired, the agreed fee will be payable within 30 days of being invoiced via bank transfer. Payment via Paypal or other means must be agreed upon first. A 6% payment charge will be added if using Paypal to cover their fees.